Gaming, Internet, Pornography, and Youth Ministry: The Need for the New

Parents : Do you monitor every single moment of your student's internet activity? If you're like most parents, you probably monitor some, but not all. Also, how much time do your students spend playing games? Students : Would you show your mom (or even your grandma) every single website you visited this last week? Have you ever played video games or played on your phone or surfed Facebook/Twitter until you felt Dorito'ed out (you know, like you've eaten a whole bag of Dorito's just because you were bored but you're still a little hungry but you're tired of Dorito's)? Youth Workers : If you had to pick out names of people in youth group, which ones would you guess have viewed pornography in the previous week? Statistically, somebody (probably several somebodies) has viewed it, and the numbers of girls who have viewed it are climbing. Have you ever felt like your youth ministry cannot be the least bit boring, because you might lose too many youth? Ever...