The Blah's

Have you ever f elt blah? The Christmas holidays are ove r . School and work routines are back in full swing. The holiday food left behind an extra pound or two. Your new ye ar's resolutions are already broken - multiple times over. Eli jah also felt something akin to this post-h oliday drudgery. In 1 Kings 18 , h e was on top of the world as he watched God answer his prayers and rain down fire . He saw God bring rain to end a dry spel l, too . However, immediately after this, in 1 Kings 19, he recei ved a death threat , and all of his recent t riumph ant feelings left in a hurry, taking with them his will to live . Yet even in these moments of depression, he found that God was just as ever-present in the problems as He had been in the triu mphs . God fed him, rested h im, an d spoke to him . Is your faith only fair-weather ? Do you stop believing in God or do you get angry with Him when t hings don't happen as...