The Southern Baptist Convention and the Sexual Abuse Task Force
To my church family at Raymond Road Baptist Church: Be in prayer with me about the Annual Meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention on June 14-15, 2022, in Anaheim, California. This post is long and a bit complex, but I want you to know what is happening in our beloved Southern Baptist Convention. If you choose not to read through all this, just know that the SBC is currently trying to make reforms to how they handle sexual abuse allegations at the national office in Nashville. There is misinformation out there about the things that have occurred recently, and some news articles misrepresent the situation. Among other things, there will be discussion and voting at the Annual Meeting on June 14-15 about what to do in response to the report from Guidepost Solutions (not affiliated with Guidepost magazine), an independent investigative firm that released a lengthy and detailed report about the SBC Executive Committee and about the Executive Committee staff in Nashville. The report showe...