Life Update 2022
To my brothers and sisters in Christ at Wynndale Baptist Church : From Aaron Tucker and family: After three months of intense prayer, we as a family all believe that God is calling us to a new ministry, and away from Wynndale. I will be with you for another two weeks, and my last day of ministry with you will be Wednesday, March 30, 2022. I have accepted God’s call to a new ministry. Raymond Road Baptist Church of Jackson has asked me to be their next senior pastor. I am both grateful for the grace of God and humbled by the responsibility for this opportunity to preach and to lead. Please pray for me. Pray that I will honor Christ as I seek to follow Him and as I seek to lead others to Him. I am praying for the continued blessings of the grace of God to help me, because I know that I will need Him. But any excitement we feel about a new ministry is tempered by great sadness as we now have to say goodbye to our Wynndale church family. In fact, to be completely honest, I wrestled quite ...