Life Update 2022
To my brothers and sisters in Christ at Wynndale Baptist Church:
From Aaron Tucker and family:
After three months of intense prayer, we as a family all believe that God is
calling us to a new ministry, and away from Wynndale. I will be with you for
another two weeks, and my last day of ministry with you will be
Wednesday, March 30, 2022.
I have accepted God’s call to a new ministry. Raymond Road Baptist
Church of Jackson has asked me to be their next senior pastor. I am both
grateful for the grace of God and humbled by the responsibility for this
opportunity to preach and to lead. Please pray for me. Pray that I will honor
Christ as I seek to follow Him and as I seek to lead others to Him. I am
praying for the continued blessings of the grace of God to help me,
because I know that I will need Him.
But any excitement we feel about a new ministry is tempered by great
sadness as we now have to say goodbye to our Wynndale church family. In
fact, to be completely honest, I wrestled quite a bit with this prayer: “You
know, God, this is really not a convenient time for me to make this change!”
And each time, I kept hearing a response from God that went something
like: “Wynndale was my church before you joined them, and it will be my
church long after you’re gone. You let me worry about the timing. Just
follow me.”
How do you say goodbye after almost 6 years full of memories? How do we
adequately express to you our love and our thankfulness?
Thank you, Jerry, for your friendship. I have learned a lot from you. Thank
you, Barry, for being so steadfast as we ministered side by side. But there
are so many more of you to whom I owe such gratitude for your friendship,
your love for my family, and your faithfulness to serve Christ by my side.
We have weathered so much together in such a short time. God has been
so, so, so good. We even made it through a pandemic together!
I take comfort today, in spite of my sadness, in several things:
-I take comfort that God can be trusted in what He is doing, no matter how
fully we do or do not understand it.
-I take comfort that God has used this pandemic to shake things up a little
bit both in the American church and at Wynndale. This is a good thing,
because it allows us an opportunity to reset, an opportunity to focus again
on what CHRIST has for his bride, the church. Let us all pray for clear
guidance from the Holy Spirit on what his plan is for all of us.
-I take comfort that God’s man, our shepherd, Bro. Jerry will continue to
lead Wynndale by the Holy Spirit.
-I take comfort that God is strengthening Barry every day throughout his
battle with cancer, and that Barry and Linda have a faith in God that
inspires us all.
-Last, I take comfort that I will be just down the road from Wynndale. I look
forward to continuing to see more of you in the future. We will certainly run
into one another around town.
I am glad that this is not really “goodbye,” but is instead “see you later.”
Thank you all. We love you.
In closing, I remind us all of the commands of God in Hebrews 12:1-3. That
we should lay aside weight and sin, and run with endurance our race. That
we should look to JESUS, who began our faith and who is continuing it in
us. We should look to him, because HE went through crucifixion to finish
his race at the finish line, which was at God’s right hand. And if we will just
THINK about HIM, we can endure anything without being tired and without
giving up.
I will pray continually for you, my Wynndale family. When I pray, I will ask
God’s blessings on you, just as was done by the priests in Numbers 6:24-
“May the Lord bless you, and protect you;
may the Lord shine the warmth of his face upon you, and give you grace;
may the Lord lift up his loving eyes to see you, and give you peace.”