where have i come from?
My connection to this town has always been that I really wanted to see it and relive those childhood memories. I'm a bit sentimental like that. I've visited the sites of houses I used to live in here in Mississippi, and enjoyed reminiscing. I even have an empty bottle of root beer that I drank on the morning I turned sixteen, as I watched the sun rise over the Pearl River. When my parents asked if we wanted to go to Oklahoma, I jumped at the chance to see my birthplace.
It was fascinating to have fuzzy things in the back of my brain become real in front of me. The fuzzy memory becomes sharply real. The house in which I lived, the elementary school where I went to kindergarten and first grade, the ditch in which I played, the field on which I played soccer.
The surprising result of this trip was after I returned home. Now, I have no reason to go back. The only two things that give me reason to go back are the wonderful Gooch family that we stayed with, and the Oklahoma Sooners!