One Thing
I was in Genesis 2 this morning, and was struck with a new thought. (Actually, I was struck with three thoughts, but I'll only mention one here.) In Genesis 2:17, God says to Adam, "but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die."
Now, I don't know about you, but I have always been VERY curious what in the world was so different about this one tree. And why is knowing right from wrong a bad thing for Adam, and later Eve?
And it struck me this morning -- there should only be ONE thing that consumes our life. Adam and Eve walked with God in Eden and talked to Him face to face. The only things on their mind and heart were the tasks God had given, the things God had made, their spouse that God had provided, and conversations with God Himself. There was no wrong. There was only God.
But knowing right from wrong introduced a second option. Satan, as a serpent, told Eve that it would make her like God. But he had to twist the truth to say such a thing, because this new thing called "evil" would give mankind forevermore a choice.
As a result, we Christians find ourselves today trying to focus on God alone. We are trying to put away our selfish desires, we are trying to pray to Him more, we are trying to please Him, even though we have never talked to Him face to face. And we find it so very difficult to do everything as if we were doing it for Him.
Why? Because there is a new way -- our way. Before, there was only God. Now we need His help to get over ourselves in order to go His way. Things were much simpler when there was only one way. At least there is comfort in our future! One day there will only be ONE who matters, and it will not be any of us! Just as in glorious Eden, in the new heaven and new earth we will spend all our worship and time on the ONE who is the one way!
Now, I don't know about you, but I have always been VERY curious what in the world was so different about this one tree. And why is knowing right from wrong a bad thing for Adam, and later Eve?
And it struck me this morning -- there should only be ONE thing that consumes our life. Adam and Eve walked with God in Eden and talked to Him face to face. The only things on their mind and heart were the tasks God had given, the things God had made, their spouse that God had provided, and conversations with God Himself. There was no wrong. There was only God.
But knowing right from wrong introduced a second option. Satan, as a serpent, told Eve that it would make her like God. But he had to twist the truth to say such a thing, because this new thing called "evil" would give mankind forevermore a choice.
As a result, we Christians find ourselves today trying to focus on God alone. We are trying to put away our selfish desires, we are trying to pray to Him more, we are trying to please Him, even though we have never talked to Him face to face. And we find it so very difficult to do everything as if we were doing it for Him.
Why? Because there is a new way -- our way. Before, there was only God. Now we need His help to get over ourselves in order to go His way. Things were much simpler when there was only one way. At least there is comfort in our future! One day there will only be ONE who matters, and it will not be any of us! Just as in glorious Eden, in the new heaven and new earth we will spend all our worship and time on the ONE who is the one way!