Graduation and Tee Ball


Softball and baseball. 

I have been thinking about both of them a lot lately. There are few things more fun to watch than 4 and 5 year olds playing tee ball. But those young children grow up before our very eyes. I see this most clearly when I think about our upcoming milestone of high school graduation, remember that those young adults were once young children, enjoying sports and dance recitals and school ceremonies. Our student ministry at FBC Philly is a ministry of milestones. We celebrate the growth of a child from their Parent/Child Dedication (when we commit to support the parents as they spiritually guide their growing child) to Baptism (when they commit to following Christ) to Youth Group rites of initiation (when they become a young man / young woman) to True Love Waits ceremonies (when they commit to purely follow a pure God) to Graduate Recognition (when we celebrate their passage to adulthood). At each milestone, we pause and remember. For our entire church body (not merely parents), we remember the spiritual growth of the graduate, and we are reminded that we will ALWAYS have a responsibility to the next generation. Grandparents, aunts and uncles, teachers, volunteers: ALL adults are to be involved in the spiritual growth of our students. This is not my idea. Allow me to paraphrase and apply Deuteronomy 6:4-7, which are God’s words through Moses to the nation of Israel just before his death and their entrance to the promised land.

Listen, church: The LORD, our God, is the One LORD. You must love the LORD with your ALL of your heart and soul and strength. What I am instructing you today, you should put in your heart. You should teach this faithfully to your church’s children – talk about it around the dinner table, talk about it when you are driving, talk about it at bedtime, talk about it in the morning.

May we obey the God we love, and not merely grow in our own faith, but make faithful disciples of others, including our next generation.


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