Slow Seeding

Why are we doing all of this? What good is it doing?

We here at First Baptist understand the priority of the Great Commission, having come from the very mouth of our Savior and our Lord (Matthew 28:18-20). But I have been thinking a lot lately about how much of our efforts seem to yield so little results. We spend dollars and hours living for Christ and spreading His word. In youth ministry, this includes three different times each week when we teach from the word (Sunday morning and evening and Wednesday evening) and special events, often several per month. In children’s ministry, this includes the same three corresponding teachings, along with special events. The entire church also worships together in two main worship services each week. On top, we add evangelism such as Good News Club and Vacation Bible School and Upward and Kids Camp and Youth Camp and Disciple-Now. And more foundational than all of this is the word being planted by the parents at home and at church! Why are there not baptisms each year in the triple digits? 

But Jesus’ success, although much greater than ours, was similarly tainted by varied responses. He explained this in the parable of the sower and the seed (Luke8:4-8, 8:9-15). Although the seed is spread over the entire field, not all of it grows. In fact, there are at least three different ways in which the seed does NOT grow, and only one way described when the seed DOES grow. But oh, how it grows when it grows (a hundredfold, Luke 8:8)!

My conclusion? All sowing is valuable, and often not able to be measured in tangible ways. God has given you and I a bag of seed (His word, the truths we know and love about God). And we have a huge field lying barren before us (the world). Let us make sure to plant and cultivate in our section of the field (our children, co-workers, schools, families, friends). Some of it will not grow. But the parts that do grow….

So let’s go a-plantin’ !!!


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